Wednesday, June 15, 2011

June 15th: Wed.- Summer Swimming classes at Klein High

Monday the 13th was the first day of Session I------ a mess-- kids in wrong classes--- ( non swimmers in Advanced) Parents who did not follow directions----must sign up the first week in May in person at the school in which you want to take classes--No web site-- no calls--etc. I heard every excuse in the book-- but the majority were positive. I do not have the students helpers that I usually have--- but it has worked out--because many parents are getting more involved.

60 kids in six classes-- start at 7:20 in the a.m.-- 10 min. break between classes.

Never a dull moment---excitement every every every class--- but the morning passes fast and I love my snack and nap--- 4 hrs this afternoon----I am blessed with good health

Monday-- my super grandpa ( had grand kids in my classes for over 3 years) fell in trying to help me adjust the lanes--- he is fine--- I was on the other end of the pool--- and it seemed to happen in slow motion-----thank goodness that he he had taken out his billfold and cell phone-------------------from now on--- we do not change the lanes in the afternoon and the pool worker helps me in the a.m. to adjust the lanes.

Life is full of adjustments.

Margaret is my super friend from college--- she sees things from up on top that I miss---we work well together and the parents respect her expertise and knowledge----------------------------------------------she does a great job with the paper work and keeping count of all the heads in the pool---- It is an indoor pool-------have to roll up doors for some kind of air--- and the pool is heated-- couldn't ask for anything better.

Tues and Wed. were great days-- no one could switch classes--- no one can enter--- we are booked for the rest of the summer--- three Sessions--- booked solid--- DO NOT ASK to get in a class-- safety issue. I am glad that parents want their children with us--------------------------------------------------but, we are people who care and don't want to lose a child.

I never lost a child in 40 years of teaching---NOT starting now.

Thursday will be the best day yet----------------------------------last day this week--- no classes on Friday--- and a three day weekend---- will probably take the grandkids to West Columbia to visit my mother in law-Friday-------------------DON'T FORGET FATHER'S DAY SUNDAY-------ALL OUR FATHER'S ARE VIP.


Sunday, June 12, 2011

June 12th 3:30 a.m.

It has been a week of adjusting to not getting up at 4:30 in the morning--- a week of resting, working in my garden, going back up to school to re hang the screens that were falling down, check the security of the tennis area, visit my dear friend, Sara Williamson at the library--made a dentist appointment-- got a massage-- bought more used books at Half Priced Books--got rocks for my ex dog's grave by the back patio---watered my garden, picked tomato's, exercised in my gazebo that my husband put up for my Birthday----shopped at Big Lots--- helped daughter with three girls when she was sick----visited my neighbor--Mr. Hudson. Mrs. Carol Hudson died a week before the retirement banquet-- Lupas and double pneumonia-- she was such a kind and gentle lady who gave us donations of food and drinks for the tennis players--- we gave her and her husband a Helping Hands Award in 2010.

Our dear daughter in law, Kelly Hrncir, flew in from Maryland Thursday. We are enjoying her while we have her--- always busy-- those young folks.

Next week is the beginning of six weeks of swimming classes at Klein High School. This is my 17th year and I am booked well in advance-- packed-- no walk ins. My high school friend Marg. will run the front desk & help everything run smoothly. Can't let her in the pool--- she is always in demand-----we both wear hearing aids------she always clues me in when I am in the pool.
We have always had a good program.

Also,Davis Cup adventures are around the bend-- July 8th, 9th and 10th-- Austin Texas--- USA VS SPAIN. We are thankful that the Wayne Bryan Family is providing us tickets and hotel reservations. North Forest will provide us transportion and meal money if at all possible.


AD for Klein was very positive about the minor changes to my swimming schedule due to use leaving July 8th-- Blessed to have great folks in my life.

Guess I'll try to go back to sleep till church time.
I am blessed.




Sunday, June 5, 2011

June 3rd was my check out day.

Nice lunch---everyone stood and clapped ---plaque's-- kind words and gifts from administration & staff-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hard to walk away-- but I promised to help out and to continue to get used balls & used rackets------------------------------------------kids made it all a great quest---------------------40 years have flown by-------------------it is time.

The following was a face book-- from my husband and my high school doubles tennis friend, Rita Maldonado Hanson-- semi retired--counselor from Austin ISD

FINAL COUNTDOWN: FOR LORETTA ANN BLALOCK HRNCIR If you have given 40 years of your life to over 10,000 students,inspired and motivated them, fed, clothed, transported, furnished homes, and taken into your OWN home those in need, prevented arrests and suicides, and treated all as your own family, YOU ARE ready to retire from teaching! ( Husband Robert)

Rita added: If you have found volunteers and mentors to assist your program, written and received grants to supplement a non existence budget for your program, recruited professional sponsors-- Wayne Bryan Family-- traveled all over the United States and Europe to attend Davis Cups, always with students in tow, advocated for students with disabilities and kept the motivational climate up on your campus, you have EARNED RETIREMENT! (Rita Hanson)

PS. Let us not forget the great adventures over the years at Westside Tennis Center & River Oaks Country Club.

I have been very blessed to have great folks in my life.

Love Always, Loretta Ann Hrncir